I am a very driven 3D professional with a keen understanding of the various stages of 3D production from modelling and texturing through to rigging, lighting and 3D effects. Most of my experience is in animation for TV where I'm accustomed to producing high quality work on short deadlines. I have also worked in visualization and indie comics and have a good understanding of games production gained in university; and while I see myself staying primarily in animation I have always regarded my diverse background as a benefit that has expanded my understanding of the possibilities of my craft.
I was born and raised in Venezuela to a Venezuelan mother and Irish father, I decided at sixteen with their support to move to N. Ireland were I was able to complete high school and move on to further education in the Uk. I love books, comics, games and films and will frequently go to the cinema with my wife and family.
From 2017 until 2023 I worked as a freelancer under the banner of my own company "Oaken Studios" sometimes managing a small team of artists and sometimes acting on my own. During that time we had a number of local Indi clients as well as regular work with Storytoys LTD on official Duplo and Disney apps. The company also develped A VR film trailer and a TV show pitch for our own concepts.
Currently I work mostly as a lecturer in animation at the University of Ulster in belfast but I'm still open to small animation jobs and other oportunities.